Caldogno Ukulele Meeting, per rinfrescarvi la memoria
Oggi metto un post che esula dai miei soliti post, vi voglio segnalare un
incontro di appassionati di questo bellissimo strumento che si svolgerà tra meno
di un mese. Saranno quattro giorni pieni di concerti, workshop, esposizioni di
strumenti musicali e (quest'anno per la prima volta) si potranno incontrare i
costruttori dei vostri ukulele! Insomma, quattro giorni imperdibili che si
preannunciano indimenticabili per tutti gli appassionati e anche per chi si
avvicina ora allo strumento o è semplicemente curioso di capire meglio che cos'è
un'ukulele perchè ancora non lo conosce! Da qui al momento di questo Meeting
ogni settimana metterò almeno una volta il post che ne parla, in modo che non lo
dimentichiate e potete essere presenti. Non è obbligatorio essere presenti per
tutti e quattro i giorni se non potete, ma anche solo per due, tre o anche uno.
Ma vi consiglio caldamente comunque di partecipare almeno a un giorno di questi
perchè ne vale la pena! Io stessa non potrò essere presente per tutti i giorni
ma almeno sabato e domenica, salvo imprevisti dell'ultimo momento, ci sarò
perchè non voglio perdere questo grande evento! So che finora non ho parlato di
date specifiche ma ho fatto apposta, per tutti i particolari e maggiori
informazioni vi rimando al link dell'evento che è questo:
Spero di potervi conoscere là! :-)
Today I put a post that does not fall from my usual post, I want to point a meeting of fans of this wonderful tool that will take place in less than a month. Will be four full days of concerts, workshops, exhibitions and musical instruments (for the first time this year) you can meet the builders of your ukulele! In short, missed four days that will see unforgettable for all the fans and for those approaching hour on the instrument or is simply curious to understand better what un'ukulele still do not know why! From now until the time of this meeting at least once every week will put the post that talks about it, so that you do not forget and you can be present. It is not required to be present for all four days if you can not, but just for two, three or even one. But I strongly suggest that you receive at least one of these days because it's worth it! I myself will not be able to be present every day but Saturday and Sunday at least, barring unforeseen circumstances the last time I'll be there because I do not want to miss this great event! I know that so far I have not talked about specific dates, but I did it on purpose, for all the details and further information please refer to the event which is this link:
I hope to get there! :-)
Spero di potervi conoscere là! :-)
Today I put a post that does not fall from my usual post, I want to point a meeting of fans of this wonderful tool that will take place in less than a month. Will be four full days of concerts, workshops, exhibitions and musical instruments (for the first time this year) you can meet the builders of your ukulele! In short, missed four days that will see unforgettable for all the fans and for those approaching hour on the instrument or is simply curious to understand better what un'ukulele still do not know why! From now until the time of this meeting at least once every week will put the post that talks about it, so that you do not forget and you can be present. It is not required to be present for all four days if you can not, but just for two, three or even one. But I strongly suggest that you receive at least one of these days because it's worth it! I myself will not be able to be present every day but Saturday and Sunday at least, barring unforeseen circumstances the last time I'll be there because I do not want to miss this great event! I know that so far I have not talked about specific dates, but I did it on purpose, for all the details and further information please refer to the event which is this link:
I hope to get there! :-)
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